It's National Science Week August 13th - 21st and Alex Aves, is taking over our instagram stories this Wednesday to give you a taste of what it's like.
Alex is an environmental scientist who is currently completing her PhD with a focus on microplastics in the air and in remote regions. She has spent time in Antarctica as part of completing a Master of Antarctic Studies which ignited a passion for the polar regions. Alex is a passionate environmentalist who aims to continue working towards the protection of the environment and creating positive change for future generations.

The takeover will start on Wednesday through Friday and take us through a day in the life. There will also be time to ask Alex a question! So why not send something through?
No booking required! Just be following us on instagram to catch it, here.
If you miss it live, don't worry - the stories will be saved as a highlight on Plastic Oceans Australasia’s Instagram for future viewing and also added to our blog.